Sunday, May 1, 2011


The Loss of Neda led to the establishment of Neda's Fund. Sometimes the silver lining in the cloud is greater than we can ever imagine. Neda obviously wanted her daddy to have double trouble so she delivered Sarah and Amira to him in Kabul. NOTE: The Smile on this new Daddy's face.
Dreams are like stars~You may never touch them, but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny.
Left, is Sarah..... Right, is Amira..... Sarah, is of Hebrew origin and means "princess"...... Amira, is of Arabic origin and means "princess". As a girl's name is pronounced ah-MEER-ah. Its my Yin and Yang twist,,,Good Karma,,,Good Stuff! So let me introduce: Sarah Deckelman and Amira Bella Deckelman

My name SGT Brad S and I am currently stationed in Afghanistan. While out on a patrol our MP's came upon a group of children and young adults crowded around a small puppy that they were making sport of by throwing rocks and trash at her. A couple of our MP's took pity on the poor little creature and offered a trade, three cans of Rip-it and a Hershey bar procured our new little pooch. The MP's were able to sneak her back onto our little FOB where we promptly took to nursing her back to health. Rip-it became an instant family member to all of us, and we took turns hiding and feeding her to the best of our abilities. Over the past month and a half she has gone from a tail between her legs scared little puppy, to a happy, healthy, playful, crazy, lovable ball of fuzz. The MP's have since left, and lucky for us were unable to take her with them. We are now far too attached to little Rip-it to leave her behind to the fates of Afghanistan. This is the reason for my letter to you. We need your help getting Rip-it home to Iowa with SFC W and his family of wayward dogs. SFC W and his wife have taken in numerous rescues but have suffered a recent loss to their family of four (and three) legged friends due to father time. Their unfortunate loss could be Rip-it's gain with your help.

Story of scooby:
I will tell you a little bit about Spoobtastic. I bought her on a Patrol for $5 and a Mr. Goodbar. A small boy was holding her by the throat and she wasn't moving. From the looks of her she was not more than a week or 2 old. She was motionless on the way back.I could feel a faint heart beat so I knew she was still alive. I was able to give her some milk which she responded to well. It was the middle of winter and we had no heat or electricity on my Patrol base. The marines and I kept her alive by switching off who's sleeping bag she would sleep in. One of the Marines and I rock-paper-scissor'd to see who would be the mother and who would be the father. Spooby was not calling me mom haha. We saved her life on two other occasions, one with an allergic reaction and the other when she was attacked by another dog. Spooby is a brindle mut with dark chocolate brown eyes. She sat with me while I smoked on my birthday, she licked my face and cuddled with me on valentines day, and she was there to support me when I found out a friend was almost lost his life. I joke sometimes that if I got her home I would never need to get married, because she would be the only girl I would ever need. I love this dog too much to just leave her in the hands of the ANA who view dogs as dirty animals and mistreat them. Thank you so much for the support.
The Puppy Rescue Mission is a non-profit organization. PRM is currently applying for 501(c)(3) tax exempt status. Any donations made on this site are not tax deductible unless otherwise noted on the chip in link.

Checks can be mailed to: 
The Puppy Rescue Mission
PO Box 1516
Celina, TX 75009  

Any funds raised above the amount established as needed for an animal rescue will be used by The Puppy Rescue Mission as it deems necessary by the Board of Directors.